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Mizuki Akane

The Dots and the Boundary between the Ordinary and the Extraordinary

Mizuki Akane creates worlds of “fantasy in the ordinary”.

Her works frame a moment, a snapshot of the time and space when the two apparently conflicting worlds meet. The dots she uses to present these moments are like the air and other matter that drift around in space – constantly fluid, never stationary. Expressing changeability and delicacy, they disappear the moment you take your eyes away, like a dissipating mist. Unreal, but just perhaps. They invite you to enter a world of ambiguity and transience.

Animals set on a pure white background are free to express “life” in their silent worlds. But their eyes always seem somewhat lonely and empty. Those eyes reach out to convey the thoughts of the artist herself to us living in a world that is changing at astonishing speed. Sometimes, it is “a scream” or “a wish”. At other times, it is “salvation” or “hope”.

Irrationality and sacrifice continue to be present even in a time when humans can live well. These fragments are picked up by Akane to create worlds on white paper.​​


1992 Born in Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture
2015 Graduated from Tama Art University Graphic 

         Design Department


Award history

2015 First solo exhibition (GALLERY ART POINT bis.)
2016 New Year Selection 2016 (GALLERY ART POINT)
         2nd Christmas Art Competition in YOKOHAMA

2017 New Year Selection 2017 (GALLERY ART POINT)
         My child becomes art. (Art Mall Nihonbashi)
         ART POINT exhibition (GALLERY ART POINT)
2018 New Year Selection 2018 (GALLERY ART POINT)
         23rd Japanese Art (Ueno Royal Museum)

         (Bellagio USA)
2019 Pilgrimage exhibition of beauty and creation

         (Eugenio Granel Foundation Museum Spain)

Please contact us if you are interested in purchasing artworks.
In the case that you’d like to see actual artworks at the gallery, please contact us in advance.

Contact : YoshihikoYoshimura in charge

Mail :
Tel : +81362286839


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