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Yumi Takahashi

Yumi Takahashi’s encounters with La Poétique de l'espace, by the French philosopher Gaston Bachelard, and with book art led to the inspiration for the creation of her box constructions. Since that time, books and boxes have remained important themes for her.


The materials she utilizes are daily objects and old photographs, glass ball or wooden ball, dried flower, medicine bottle, Piece of lace, shells and nuts – all trivial things. However, in combining them she creates boxes as a device to recall the old poetic memories retained in the human mind. It is as if she is connecting words that are at a glance completely unrelated, but strung together form a beautiful poem.


The place where time stopped ... It seems as if she presents us that this small space contains eternal time. Common trivial things.A humble yet completely filled space where they are collected.

The poetic spaces, arranged through inspiration from myths, from the Bible, and from tales that have been handed down from ancient times, produce the artist’s unique romanticism.

Please contact us if you are interested in purchasing artworks.
In the case that you’d like to see actual artworks at the gallery, please contact us in advance.

Contact : YoshihikoYoshimura in charge

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Tel : +81362286839

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